Sunday, November 16, 2008

So sad...we didn't get a letter this week! Our first week without a letter, how depressing! We were hoping to get more pictures too. But here is some cool stuff from his letter from last week:

He said he is loving it! He said the language is coming "slowly but surely". He said he gave a prayer in Samoan in class the other day and he was nervous but did it anyway and everyone said he did a good job. His comp said that "it was the best prayer so far"

He said, "There are just so many blessings I'm receiving. Being able to turn over my life to the Lord for molding is an amazing blessing. Whenever I start to feel frustrated, or impatient, or something, all I have to do is remember that I'm in the Lord's hands and immediately everything seems alright, I know that everything will work out. The eternal perspective really changes your attitude about things and I can't wait to share that with the people of Samoa."

He said he is beginning to think that the MTC is HIS mission. There is the 3rd set of missionaries in the room next to him and he is still there! He said he has to remind himself that he is actually going to Samoa on his mission not just the MTC.

He also has been so amazed at how quick and precise his prayers are answered! He told of an experience that he was struggling one day with some concerns and worries and then he prayed for help. And that day in his lessons and in a devotional his prayer was answered. In the devotional the speaker even said I feel inspired to say.... and it was the exact answer to Dave's prayer!

He also said, "I love the missionaries here from Samoa, I love having them around. They are always laughing and smiling but when it comes time to work, they really know their stuff. They have a lot of scriptures memorized." And he said they are all so nice. He told about how he was telling this one Samoan missionary how cool his shorts were and then the missionary said, "do you want them"? He was going to give Dave his gym shorts right then and there! Dave said he is amazed at how sharing their culture is!

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